来自网友【木子汐】的评论Marriage toast by Carly's father:Marriage is not the end. But neither is it the beginning. A relationship, a couple has already been conceived and born. Today is a grown-up moment, arrangements have been made, promises before witnesses. A commitment to negotiate life together. Inevitably there has been pain, as well as joy. And there will be new joys and new pains. And in the future from time to time, the relationship the couple will need to be reviewed, to be reconceived and reborn. Coming back together, rejoining, A new tegetherness. But worth the effort. So pls raise your glasses and make a toast. Vive la difference. Vive la vie. Vive la'mour.特别喜欢Jake父亲结尾说的那段话:Jake: We were like you and mum.Dad: How do you mean?Jake: We were perfect. Why are you smiling?Dad: Because your mother and me were not perfect, not by any strench of the imagination.Jake: You never even argued.Dad: Oh we did.Jake: I never heard you.Dad: We'd do it when you were in bed. We'd yell at each other in the kitchen in very angry whispers. Then your mum wouldn't speak to me for days. She was an expert at long punishing silences. Really, Jake. eveyone has tough times. We had our bad times. That's just the way it is.Jake: This is different. I don't know how we'd get back.Dad: Back to what?Jake: To what we were.Dad: Jake, it doesn't work like that. You can only go forwards. That's life--the beauty and the tragedy. Jake, your mum died when she was 38, there's nothing perfect about that, nothing at all. So you still love her?Jake: Yeah.Dad: And what if you are never able to have children together?