supfir看完后觉得不错,想知道之后,于是查了查片中的主角: Whittlesey少校,出生成长就省略了,1918年10月7日被从包围圈中救出后,如下: 由少校升为中校; 10.29调回美国; 12.5根据Special Orders No. 259光荣退伍; 12.6获得the Medal of Honor(美国军队的最高奖章,他的两个部下也获得了这个奖章); 1919到1920期间回到原来的律师事务所(他和朋友共同创建的); 作为英雄不喜欢引起注意,谦虚而敏感,不愿意谈太多关于战争的事情,必要的演讲也主要讲述战友的英勇; 1919年后期开始服务于Red Cross Roll Call; 1921年被提升为上校,并领导预备役第108师(他觉得他无法拒绝此项工作); 1921年11月24日订了开往哈瓦那的船票,这之前已经安排好了自己的所有事情,包括向房主支付了后面几个月的房租; 11.26从甲板跳海自杀; 他的所有朋友都不知道他的出行计划,也不相信他会自杀,但他给最密切的人都留下了信件,这些人包括他的父母、两个兄弟、叔叔和几个朋友; 这些信件并没有揭开他自杀的原因,而且收到信件的人也都拒绝公开; (Several theories existed at the time as to what had pushed Whittlesey to such depths of depression. Those close to him believed that his death could be counted among the War casualties in as much as it was his sensitivity to the constant reminders of the destruction of the War that drove him to suicide. Some believed that his suicide was caused by feelings of guilt: the possibility that he had given incorrect coordinates to the 'Pocket', thereby causing friendly fire, or having refused to surrender to the Germans, leading to increased loss among his men. Others believed that it was his modesty and inability to adjust to the life of a hero that caused the depression that eventually ended his life. Whatever the exact reason may have been, it is clear that Whittlesey's death was indirectly related to the unhappiness which befell him after his experiences in the War. ) 他的遗嘱包括把德国人的那封劝降信原件留给了他的战友(也获得the Medal of Honor奖章中的一人),把他的奖章留给了他的律师事务所合伙人,替他的兄弟还清了债务,然后把所有财物都留给了他的母亲; 他死后很多年,人们依然记得那场战役也依然称赞他; 1948年纽约的the Williams Club专门为他建立了the Charles White Whittlesey Room,George McMurtry 和Williams大学院长James P. Baxter出席了纪念仪式,Colonel Whittlesey的雕像也在纪念仪式上揭幕(他毕业于Williams大学)。