登基前,年轻的皇储维多利亚(艾米莉·布朗特 Emily Blunt 饰)不满母亲肯特—斯特拉森公爵夫人(米兰达·理查森 Miranda Richardson 饰)为私人顾问约翰·康罗伊爵士(马克·斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)操控,威逼自己签署摄政条约。此时,内心 孤独的维多利亚第一次遇见了表弟萨克森—科堡—哥达亲王阿尔伯特(鲁伯特·弗兰德 Rupert Friend 饰)。1836年,维多利亚女王登基,政务主要由墨尔本子爵(保罗·贝坦尼 Paul Bettany 饰)辅佐,但朝野上下各方势力动荡。内心焦灼的维多利亚写信请求阿尔伯特亲王从比利时来到英国,二人于1840年终结连理。婚后,阿尔伯特发现作为外国人的自己并未完全获得接受,而维多利亚也会在争吵中搬出自己的皇威压人,直到一次意外的刺杀事件让维多利亚意识到阿尔伯特在她生命中的重要意义。
故事選了不陌生的維多利亞女皇,選上了她年輕的時段,講述了皇室兩位好人的美好契合。從角色的性格中,找不到大的缺點,勇敢有責任感真性情。這樣的性格,在沈悶卻華麗的皇宮中,尤其突出,因此也特別討好。 公主還未登基前,備受各方的壓力,想她放棄未來作為君主的統治權,容許別人攝政。這也不難理解,一個年輕女生在一大堆狼豹之間,連最親的母親也被野心之人所操控。可是即使力量似乎微弱,公主的心還是堅定,即使不是百分百有信心,她卻有那份為人民服務的心。 在一堆各懷鬼胎的人周旋在側之時,有一位被秘密委以任務的人走進公主的生活。不過他倆都是不甘被操控的人,加上相似的背景與性格,讓他們互相吸引。在似乎不可能的狀態下,他們開始了不肯定卻真心的交心過程。 用現代的詞語形容,這段感情是遠距離戀愛。公主迅速地變成女王,身邊更多人出現,工作也更繁忙。相較之下,男方閒得多;加上身分有別,不容許他開宗明義地向女方表達愛意,讓男方變成等待的一方。幸好是雙方不認為這是段不平等的愛戀,而結果也成功走在一起,結為夫婦。 我想女王在登基時體驗了自由,而結婚時她體驗了幸福。女王可以順利找到真心相愛的人,何其不容易,也何其幸運。 不過,閒下來始終會造成問題的。親王好意的幫忙,在女王的不放心下,成為了侵越權力的干預。果真在女強男弱的婚姻關係,容易產生這種問題。正值僵持時,想不到會出現一個電影得很的轉折情節,修復了兩人的關係,讓兩人達到一個平衝的關係,徹底的解決問題。 故事選了不陌生的維多利亞女皇,選上了她年輕的時段,講述了皇室兩位好人的美好契合。從角色的性格中,找不到大的缺點,勇敢有責任感真性情。這樣的性格,在沈悶卻華麗的皇宮中,尤其突出,因此也特別討好。 公主還未登基前,備受各方的壓力,想她放棄未來作為君主的統治權,容許別人攝政。這也不難理解,一個年輕女生在一大堆狼豹之間,連最親的母親也被野心之人所操控。可是即使力量似乎微弱,公主的心還是堅定,即使不是百分百有信心,她卻有那份為人民服務的心。 在一堆各懷鬼胎的人周旋在側之時,有一位被秘密委以任務的人走進公主的生活。不過他倆都是不甘被操控的人,加上相似的背景與性格,讓他們互相吸引。在似乎不可能的狀態下,他們開始了不肯定卻真心的交心過程。 用現代的詞語形容,這段感情是遠距離戀愛。公主迅速地變成女王,身邊更多人出現,工作也更繁忙。相較之下,男方閒得多;加上身分有別,不容許他開宗明義地向女方表達愛意,讓男方變成等待的一方。幸好是雙方不認為這是段不平等的愛戀,而結果也成功走在一起,結為夫婦。 我想女王在登基時體驗了自由,而結婚時她體驗了幸福。女王可以順利找到真心相愛的人,何其不容易,也何其幸運。 不過,閒下來始終會造成問題的。親王好意的幫忙,在女王的不放心下,成為了侵越權力的干預。果真在女強男弱的婚姻關係,容易產生這種問題。正值僵持時,想不到會出現一個電影得很的轉折情節,修復了兩人的關係,讓兩人達到一個平衝的關係,徹底的解決問題。
THE YOUNG VICTORIA is the late Canadian filmmaker Jean-Marc Vallée’s Hollywood calling card, his 5th feature film and a star vehicle for Emily Blunt. Penned by Julian Fellowes, this cinematic reimagining of the salad says of Queen Victoria (1819-1901) resolves prominently around the affair of the heart between her and her consort, Prince Albert (1819-1861) while the future “grandmother of Europe” makes baby steps to wield her independence among the court intrigues from all parties.
It is, as expected, a respectable encomium of a monarchy’s grandeur and its young monarch’s moxie. With its palatial locations, superfine fineries and sumptuous settings, the film unspools as if on cruise control from one spectacular scene to another, unpretentiousness is its most striking character. Those historically accurate, impeccably selected and manufactured artifacts and costumes are moderately lit (often exquisitely candlelit) with a subdued golden sheen and have a “just there” quality as they are part of the furniture, resisting taking audience’s attention away from the human objects, most of whom are hobbled by formality and good breeding, leaving a lot to be desired. Only Broadbent’s King William IV is able to unleash his hissy fit as he knows his days are numbered, respectability can barely contain his fury over the Duchess of Kent (Richardson, ill cast as an out-of-place puppet at the beck and call of Sir John Conroy), Queen Victoria’s mother. Also, the Regency controversy is quite maladroitly handled, why Sir John Conroy (Strong) act like a maniacal bozo as if he doesn’t know any basic tactics?
Since there are low stakes at hand, even the lover’s spat when Albert (Friend, a passable actor, whose dreadful elocution prevents him from his own ascendancy in the Hollywood) steps on her toes, is easily mollified after a fictitious heroic action, audience can feel safe in the knowledge that the film is incapable of making a great fuss of anything radical apart from Victoria’s ascension into her own personhood, which is really not something particularly film-worthy, after all she is a queen secured and perching on a pedestal, if not for her status and all the royalty trappings.
Vis-à-vis Blunt, who can be put into best use when there are tricksy naughtiness or idiosyncrasies in her character, which cannot be found in this film. She holds her own solidly against the solemn business of men’s statesmanship, but where are Victoria’s own personalities? That is the missing ingredient from the film and Fellowes’ all-too-reverential and glottophobic script (why Prince Albert insists speaking English even with his own brother? Both were born and raised in Saxe-Coburg and Gotha).
As far as a prestige costume drama goes, THE YOUNG VICTORIA is keenly aware of what its audience’s predisposition and shrewd enough to put money into sensible use, but in the dramaturgic aspect, it errors on the side of being in awe of its own lofty subject.
referential entries: Stephen Frears’s VICTORIA & ABDUL (2017, 6.3/10); Vallée’s WILD (2014, 5.8/10), C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005, 8.3/10); Stephen Frears’s CHÉRI (2009, 6.5/10).
Title: The Young Victoria
Year: 2009
Country: UK
Language: English, German
Genre: Biography, Drama, History, Romance
Director: Jean-Marc Vallée
Screenwriter: Julian Fellowes
Music: Ilan Eshkeri
Cinematography: Hagen Bogdanski
Editors: Jill Bilcock, Matt Garner
Emily Blunt
Rupert Friend
Paul Bettany
Miranda Richardson
Mark Strong
Jeanette Hain
Thomas Kretschmann
Jesper Christensen
Harriet Walter
Jim Broadbent
Julian Glover
Michael Maloney
Michael Huisman
Genevieve O’Reilly
Rachael Stirling
Josef Altin
Tom Brooke
Rating: 6.6/10