来自网友【隽永剧评】的评论<The Girlfriend Experience>This 13-episode Starz TV show has become my instant favorite after just one glimpse. It's delicately beautiful and intelligently sharp. It's about how a second-year law-school student juggles & survives between her routine life and her secret one. In broad daylight, she studies patent law and interns at a prestigious law firm. At night or occasionally during the day, she lets her wild self out and engages into the trade with her personal touch. She is definitely smart and knows how to play her two roles well. She is an unnoticeable ordinary face buried in glamorous lawyers and successful businessmen during the day, but she lets her hair down and puts on a completely different mask on dates. She seems to be able to separate and control her emotions very well. That's why she can be ruthlessly calm when she has to. She researches, analyzes, and studies the sex trade like an ordinary business, and she's ambitious about excelling at it and getting the most out of it whenever possible, be it a monetary reward, or something else she desires.You think a high-end call girl just needs to have a nice figure, a beautiful face, and techniques on bed to please men? No, they need more than that. You need to be smart and keen to be able to protect yourself at least, and hopefully stay on top of the game. You need to react fast, be in control, and be able to handle all kinds of situations during and after dates, for instance, what if tragedies or accidents happen on dates, what if your dates go beyond your comfort zone either sexually and/or emotionally, what if physical and emotional demand of dates overload you, what if you inevitably cross the moral line and you are on the verge of jeopardizing your real life, what if you become obsessed with your other identity, what if you can't separate your feelings and private life with your dates anymore? ... ... There is no easy answer to all these. This is a rather complex trade with mixed emotions and heavy decisions.As always, the shows of Starz Original Productions amaze me with its bold and extreme originality, shedding light on dark and twisted beauty. What intrigues me more is it often poses challenges on social and ethical dilemmas, exploring deep into this marginalized spectrum. It unveils a corner of this very mysterious and private life of those purveyors, or so-called high-end escorts, or GFEs in short.So sit tight and keep your pants on. Try watching it without judging first. Hope you enjoy the ride.
来自网友【猴几】的评论我好爱被评价为黯淡无聊的natural lighting和undertone的摄影 节约下来的布光的时间可以反复排练调度 和不动声色的摄影相辅相成Can we all agree that David是本剧最大傻逼? 商业上、事业上、生活上彻头彻尾的大傻逼 荒诞喜剧色彩浓厚(看得我直发笑)的几幕都是他在极力诋毁Christine Christine被曝光之后David的一系列反应是刻在男人的基因里的处理问题的方式吗 就是诋毁一个女人,高举煤气灯狂闪一个女人然后说她疯了,想要discredit一个女人以为以此可以增加自己的credit 与Christine的餐厅戏David牢牢抓住“你就是出来卖的” “你就是卖了” “你就是你就是” Grow Up Suckers! Moraility is way behind us! 魅力男性无能狂怒的嘴脸就是如此enjoyable很难用真实的性别观念去看待任何一个人物或关系结构 根本原因是创作者创作出这样一个角色从来就不是来给观众评判的 每集片尾主创的解读里可以看出她/他们是如何被这个角色吸引,为她着迷,呈现她便是艺术本身 就算是这样一部难以不贴上“女性主义”的剧集里也会出现脸谱化的通过和白人男性势力集团同流合污并背刺女性同胞跻身男性权力结构的女性角色 Jacqueline当然也不是什么girls help girls的新时代妈妈桑好多线索underdeveloped了是有些可惜 被落在了不动声色跨度的故事时间里 30分钟的剧集时间很妙,比难以连贯叙事的20分钟长,没有长到40分钟,30分钟是一个恰到好处的填满又有留白的时间 比较想看Christine会如何让Jake pay back 每一集的标题都取得非常好,最后一集Separation的剧情概括是:Christine is in complete control.如果我在Christine被曝光的那一集里深刻觉得这是一部高能爽剧 Am i as Screwed as her? 就算是又怎样?有人在乎吗