来自网友【Buffalo】的评论Totally my type. 虽然还是很老套的人设,人美心善的资优生Rory,高高帅帅的Dean,只不过他不是《freaks and geeks》里Daniel或《my so called life》里Catalano那样的bad boy,而是一个简简单单甚至还挺阳光的普通男孩儿,对感情很用心很有责任心,即使知道两个人的未来可能会相去甚远,也无条件地理解和支持着Rory的梦想。Dean每天看着Rory放学后坐在校门口的树下看书,认真记下她的书单好和她有话聊,在一起之后他也会读Rory让他看的书,想起我之前推荐给男朋友的书他也都会看,这种sharing的感觉真的很幸福。Dean说要是去书店约会,Rory在那儿看六个小时书,他就在那儿看着她看六个小时书~Dean: So, how are you liking Moby Dick? Rory: Oh, it's really good. Dean: Yeah? Rory: Yeah, it's my first Melville. Dean: Cool. Rory: I mean, I know it's kind of cliché to pick Moby Dick as your first Melville but... Hey, how did you know I was reading Moby Dick? Dean: Uh, well, I've been watching you. Rory: Watching me? Dean: I mean, not in a creepy, like, "I'm watching you" sort of way. I just - I've noticed you. Rory: Me? Dean: Yeah. Rory: When? Dean: Every day. After school you come out and you sit under that tree there and you read. Last week it was Madame Bovary. This week it's Moby Dick. Rory: But why would you... Dean: Because you're nice to look at, and because you've got unbelievable concentration. 最爱他们3个月纪念日的那个夜晚,Dean带着Rory去他的秘密基地,送给她自己亲手用一片一片汽车废料拼凑起来的小车,太浪漫了,破败的小院,在那个夜晚被旧旧的小车满载的爱意填满。Rory: We're having one of those moments, right now. Dean: What moment's? Rory: One of those moment's when everything is so perfect and so wonderful that... you almost feel sad because nothing could ever be this good again. Dean: So, basically, I'm depressing you? Rory: Yep. Dean: [chuckles] You're very weird. Rory: And you're wonderful. 目前只看了第一季,手贱搜了下剧照,后面还会出现一个boy...