来自网友【Q·ian·Sivan】的评论【Season 1 Episode 1】「If anybody is gonna sit on Ryan Gosling's face, it's gonna be me!」「Stop dancing. → I didn't realize I was.」「I played by all the rules. Why didn't you tell me there were no rules? It's not fair!」【Season 1 Episode 5】「Like it or not, you're my friend. → I like it. → Then make me feel it.」「We need a girls' night. Just us girls. We can have drinks and tapas and just talk. → I'm never getting a hearing aid. I think I'm better off missing most of what you say.」 【Season 1 Episode 6】「Will you be reasonable? → Mother Nature has no reason!」【Season 1 Episode 13】「Sometimes you say the things you need to hear.」「Tell me more. → Maybe another day. → Maybe tonight over hot chocolate. → We'll see.」