来自网友【七月半上】的评论最喜欢里面的一首诗,摘录如下秋夜的星空下 被长长岁月划过的天空 充满秋天的气息 我可以无忧无虑 仰望着秋天的天空 数着一颗颗的星星 我没有办法一一数完 挂满星星的天空 是因为黎明即将到来 是因为夜晚即将逝去 是因为我青春还没有走到尽头 一颗星星中的回忆 一颗星星中的爱情 一颗星星中的孤单 一颗星星中的憧憬 一颗星星中的诗意 一颗星星中的妈妈 妈妈...这是英文版的:Under fall night of starry sky Has been delimited the sky by the long year Fills the autumn the breath I may be carefree Is looking up to the autumn sky A several star I do not have means 11 to count Hangs all over the star the sky Is because the daybreak soon arrives Is because the night soon passes Is because my youth has not walked terminus In a star recollection In a star love In a star loneliness In a star expectation In a star poetic sentiment In a star mother Mother...