来自网友【过去皆序章】的评论S4E3-What’s black and white and red(read) all over?-Zebra, with a gaping hole.-No, it’s actually newspaper.S4E3-I have a face and two hands, but no arms or legs. What am I?-Deformed baby.-The answer is a clock.S4E3-What’s green and red and goes round and round?-Frog in a blender.S4E11-I leave when spurned. I give all. I take nothing. I can raise you to a king or make you to a beggar. What am I?-Love.S4E13-I am held captive all day. My brilliance locked away. This prison must be broken. The key? My name, which must be spoken.-Riddler.S4E14-What has two eyes but can’t see?-Ed Nygma.S4E15-I could lend you a hand, buy you won’t find me helpful. My name may sound tasty, but the flavor is dreadful.-Knuckle sandwich.S4E15-I can be done with the teeth, the eyes or the mind. What am I? I can be humorous but I’m never funny! What am I?-(剧中地名)Narrow.S4E17-I am heavy forward, but backward, I am not. What am I?-Ton.S4E17-I can be broken without being held. Given and then taken away. Some people use me to deceive, but when delivered, I am the greatest gift of all. What am I?-A promise.S4E17-What three words are said too much, meant by few, but wanted by all?-“I love you.”S4E19-I’m the revealer of masks. When I appear, friend becomes foe. And the one that you love becomes the one that you hate. What am I?-Betrayal.S4E22-I strike where you lie, death’s gentle cousin...-Sleep.S5E4-Now what are you looking for?-I am given, and I am taken. I was there from your first breath, and I will follow you until your death.-A name.