来自网友【snow】的评论首先俺要说,IMDB上9.4的高分绝对不是虚的。。。的确,这个办公室里的主要男男女女当中,Tim这个小伙子数得上是最正常的一个了。虽然他也会恶作剧的把G的各种办公用品冻在jelly里,跟Dawn一起以嘲弄G为乐,把已经做了老板的G反锁在那个单间的办公室,却无奈于新的receptionist不能像Dawn一样默契配合之。。。 但在David被裁之后,他主动把接替David的机会让给了自己一直捉弄的G,他知道lieutenant G更有当个芝麻官儿的欲望~~在David再回到公司,尴尬得在Neil面前欲展示自己popular程度,邀前同事们去喝酒却无人理睬的时候,他终于站出来说David我陪你去喝一杯~~这是一个很义气的哥们儿~~ Tim一直对Dawn有感觉,两人暧昧着,打情骂俏着。。。其实不能说Dawn对他一点儿意思也没有,否则不会在Rachel出现之后那么失落。Tim和Rachel分开了,因为心里其实还装着Dawn~~采访到一半勇敢的站起来扯下mic把dawn拉到会议室表白,出来不忘通报一句,she said no again...回访他的时候又很实在地说,Dawn已经有lee那样一个bf了嘛~~就连我奶奶都说她也会选lee~~但最后圣诞节的一盒画笔,附上珍藏着的Dawn对他的无心素描,上书Never give up这几个字所表达出的真挚情谊终于把这姑娘从壮汉身边夺了过来。故事到此为止,就像他自己说的,从来没想过什么happy ending, 生活不是一个ending,而是一个个鲜活的moments串起来的~~ 其实这小伙子一路说过很多很有道理的话,挺共鸣,挺值得回味的。“Team Leader don't mean anything, mate.It's a title someone's given you to get you to do something they don't want to do, for free - it's like making the div kid at school milk monitor.” “If you look at life like rolling a dice, then my situation now, as it stands - yeah, it may only be a 3. If I jack that in now, go for something bigger and better, yeah, I could easily roll a six - no problem, I could roll a 6... I could also roll a 1. OK? So, I think sometimes... Just leave the dice alone. ” “The people you work with are people you were just thrown together with. I mean, you don't know them, it wasn't your choice. And yet you spend more time with them than you do your friends or your family. But probably all you have in common is the fact that you walk around on the same bit of carpet for eight hours a day. And so, obviously, when someone comes in who you have a connection with - yeah, and Dawn was a ray of sunshine in my life - it can mean a lot. But if I'm really being honest, I never really thought it would have a happy ending. I don't know what a happy ending is. Life isn't about endings, is it? It's a series of moments. And um, if you turn the camera off, it's not an ending is it? I'm still here. My life is not over. Come back here in ten years. See how I'm doing then. 'Cause I could be married with children, you don't know. Life just goes on.”--------------------------------------------------------Dawn这姑娘是studio 60里的和Tom一对儿的小编剧lucy,本世纪初的她和studio 60里的她相比,简直就像是一个被吹了气的balloon阿~~瘦身效果绝对可以的。。。