来自网友【旷野】的评论还是好看的,但少了某些凌厉感,某些机锋,像黑暗中的某种乌铁锻造的刀,第一季有那种流转的银色刀锋,像缀满月光划破暗夜,撕裂一道口子,但转瞬又归于平静。第二季则仍是一把好刀,出鞘的时候却不锋利,没了那层机警,第二季没有第一季大卫•芬奇的风格强,我很难说出具体是什么,但他的确有种风格。第二季和第一季像两个剧,第二剧更像是刻画那些现实掣肘。看上了Bill的Plymouth车,对复古车型没辙,这个品牌的车早就停产了。搜了搜相关,没对准型号。看着像Plymouth Fury(复仇女神)。Plymouth车:https://wikimili.com/en/Plymouth_%28automobile%29存地名截图:Note:Ep01- ”I believe all great things are created in a place between method and madness.”——Hamlet我相信一切伟大事物都诞生于条理和疯狂之间。- Fingers crossed.祝好运。- I feel we should clear the air.我觉得我们应该先消除误会。- You all chose a cover-up.If we spin lies,alter records,that’s a slippery slope.你们都选择掩盖实情,如果我们说谎、篡改纪录,那就是走上不归路。- Fair enough.有道理。- I don’t think Benedict Arnold gets a note anymore.这个叛徒以后没有表决权了。- Benedict Arnold代指叛徒=traitor,在Revolutionary War美国独立战争(1775~1783)中叛国美→英- https://www.britannica.com/biography/Arnold-Bennett- https://www.history.com/news/why-did-benedict-arnold-betray-america- That’s a lot of icing,not a lot of cake.花里胡哨太多,没什么实质。- It’s a very civilized ass-lick.这是场文明的拍马屁大会。- Actually,he charged me with keeping him on rails.实际上,他让我盯紧他。- charge sb with sth/doing sth=to impose a task or responsibility on 给……任务,使负责,向……收费- keep sb/sth on rails 在正轨上,确保人安分守己,确保事情进展顺利https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/598404/what-does-its-a-whole-lot-of-cake-with-not-a-lot-of-icing-mean,to make sure sb[sth] continues to behave in a way that is generally acceptable,honest and legal[be successful or effective]- He is shrewder than we thought.他比我们想的更精明。- We are here tonight to pay tribute to one of our finest.今夜我们在这里向一位传奇人物致敬。- We all wanna bag one of the Top Ten Most Wanted.我们都想能抓到十大通缉犯。- a wanted man 通缉犯- You were out on a limb and championed bold,new ideas.你挺身而出,大胆拥护新观点。- be/go on a limb:挺身而出/孤立无援/惹是生非- If someone goes out on a limb, they do something they strongly believe in even though it is risky or extreme, and is likely to fail or be criticized by other people.https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/out-on-a-limb- limb四肢、枝干- You arrogant,self-serving twerp.你个傲慢自大,自私自利的蠢货。- You vainglorious shit.你个自负的混蛋。- You really are incredible.你简直不可理喻。- You really are a pussy.你真是个孬种。- I’m being forced out because somebody has to take the fall for your insubordination,reckless lack of judgement and titanic vanity.我被迫出局因为必须有人为你背黑锅,你不服从上级,鲁莽冲动,缺乏判断力且虚荣自负。- force out 使离开- take the fall*个人觉得是承担失败后果的含义- just around the corner.指日可待。- He’s got the whole city twitchin’ like prey.他让整个城市像猎物一样瑟瑟发抖。- twitchin’=twitching,twitch发抖- prey猎物- That poor guy got so freaked out.那个可怜的家伙特别害怕。- freak out恐惧- He’s still around.他还在这里。- Kevin has good days and bad days.I’m hope in’ this one’s good.凯文的生活有起有落,我希望他现在过得不错。- Just real matter-of-fact.就……面无表情。- matter-of-fact[adj.]unemotional- But…like he could be mean underneath.但是他看起来像是内心恶毒的人。- He made everything sound reasonable.他说得头头是道。- Then it got real quiet.后来就完全没声音了/一片寂静。- Lots of interesting constructions.身上有很多有趣的矛盾之处。- chubby[adj.]圆胖的- behemoth庞然大物- blitz[n.]突袭,闪电战- I couldn’t tell him Boy Wonder has the vapors.我怎么可能会告诉他这位神童的精神状况不佳。- Boy Wonder神童、天才小子- vapor:癔病,忧郁。a depressed or hysterical nervous condition- They all bought it,didn’t they?他们全都信了,对不对?- pardon our appearance during renovations正在翻修请见谅- mixed bag.好坏参半。- He was in your corner.他很支持你。Places:- Park City,Kansas帕克城,堪萨斯州- Wichita,Kansas威奇托- Cincinnati辛辛那提- Baltimore巴尔的摩- Albuquerque阿尔伯克基